Angular JS - Ashtyne Madsen


AngularJS is a type of JavaScript structural framework. It can easily be added to HTML and allows HTML’s syntax to be extended [W3]. It can convey the application’s components efficiently. It ends up compacting much of the code that would typically have to be written, into simple HTML additions. The framework is used by reading the HTML page with its embedded custom tag attributes. Then AngularJS interprets the attributes to a model that is represented by standard JavaScript variables, which can be set within the code or retrieved from JSON resources. AngularJS's aim is to simplify the developmental and testing of cross-platform mobile applications by contributing a framework for client-side architectures [Wiki].


AngualarJS was developed in 2009 by Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons while they were at Brat Tech LLC [AJSHist]. They felt that they were not productive at building front-end applications using Java [JOAJS]. It was created for an online JSON storage service’s behind-the-scenes software. Hevery and Abrons believed that declarative programming should be utilized to make user interfaces and connect software components. They also believed that imperative programming was AngularJS was more appropriate to define the business logic of an application. AngularJS was originally only available online and cost per megabyte, but not many people were interested so Hevery and Abrons decided to make AngularJS an open-source library [Wiki]. Making the code open source, has led to the web community being able to make contributions and create a better platform [FMH].

Google supported AngularJS from the start because Hevery worked there as the Senior Computer Scientist and Technical Lead Manager. In this position, he leads teams to figure out ways to increase speed and quality of code [FMH]. It is continuously updated and maintained by Google and a community of individuals and corporations. Version 1.0 of AngularJS was released in 2012 and by Version 1.2, AngularJS did not support Internet Explorer versions 6 or 7. When AngularJS Version 1.3 came out, it dropped its support of Internet Explorer 8 [AJSHist]. AngularJS continues to support Chrome, Firefox, Safari, iOS, and Android, though. Version 1.5 was released and added many new concepts including a piece based on architecture. When AngularJS released Version 1.6, it had removed the Sandbox, which was thought to provide extra security.

When Version 2+ came out, AngularJS was simply called Angular, which went on to become an open-source front-end web application [Wiki]. Version 2 came with semantic versioning and a deprecation policy for any following Angular releases. The team that works on Angular, became committed to providing a smooth transition between the different versions [FMH]. The most recent version is Angular 4, which was announced on December 13, 2016 [Wiki].

In 2012, a plug-in for Google Chrome called Batarang was released. The purpose of this was mainly to improve the debugging and profiling of AngularJS web applications. This plug-in however, did not work with any of the versions of AngularJS after Version 1.2. Now, as of the latter half of 2016, the plug-in works with all versions of Angular [Wiki].

The Basics of Angular JS

As previously stated in the first paragraph, AngularJS is an extension to HTML. Where HTML fails in being able to declare dynamic views in web-applications, AngularJS excels. It creates an environment that is "extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop" [AJS]. AngularJS can be extended and easily used with other libraries.

AngularJS has a JavaScript framework for. This means that the library containing all of the shortcuts is written in JavaScript. Using AngularJS, one can extend HTML with attributes called directives [W3]. Directives are HTML codes that begin with "ng-." To make proper HTML, the code should be "data-ng-" [W3].

  • ng-app: This tells AngularJS to be active in whatever portion of the page/code piece it is added to and defines it as an AngularJS application [AJS]. This will also automatically initialize the application when the page is loaded [W3].

Example Code

<div ng-app="">
    <p>This is how to initialize AngularJS.</p>
  • ng-model: This links the form and model so that whenever something is typed in the input box, it shows up wherever you call the model name [AJS]. This directive can also provide validation for application data, status for application data, provide CSS classes for HTML elements, and bind HTML elements to HTML forms [W3].

Example Code

<div ng-app="myApp">
        Name: <input ng-model="name">
  • ng-init: This initializes AngularJS application variables by defining initial values for an application [W3]. This is typically placed directly after the "ng-app" in the code.

Example Code

    <div ng-app="" ng-init="flower='Rose'">
    <p>This is how to initialize AngularJS.</p>
  • ng-bind: This is a way to automatically update either the view when the model changes or the model when the view changes [AJS]. This is typically used when an application already has a data model [W3].

Example Code

    <div ng-app="" ng-init="flower='Rose'">
    <p>This is how to use a bind in AngularJS.</p>
    <p ng-bind="flowerColor"></p>

Binds can also be made using this next type of directive, an expression.

  • Expression: These are written inside {{}} and will print data exactly as it is written and can be used in the same way as a bind because they both bind the data to the HTML [W3]. Unlike JavaScript expressions, AngularJS expressions don't support conditionals, loops, and exceptions.

Example Code

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
        <p>Flower Color: {{flowerColor}}</p>
  • Controller: This is a JavaScript object that controls the data of an AngularJS application. Controllers, more specifically, are JavaScript objects that are created by a JavaScript object constructor [W3]. This section of code is where the functions and values are defined along with the rest of the application's behavior. Controllers can be called with $scope. This is the owner of the application's variables and functions. It is also the binding between the HTML and the JavaScript.

Example Code

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
        Flower Color: <input type="text" ng-model="flowerColor"><br>
        Flower Size: <input type="text" ng-model="flowerSize"><br>
        Flower Order: {{flowerSize + " " + flowerColor + " Roses"}}

        app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
            $scope.flowerColor = "Red";
            $scope.flowerSize = "Large";
  • Module: This defines an application and is a container for different parts of an application and for the application controller [W3]. A module makes the application easier to maintain, test, and read. Once the module is created, controllers and other AngularJS features can be added.

Example Code

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
        {{ flowerSize + " " + flowerColor + " Roses"}}

        var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
        app.controller("myCtrl", function($scope) {
        $scope.flowerColor = "Red";
    $scope.flowerSize = "Large";
  • Deep Linking: AngularJS uses deep linking and desktop app-like behavior [AJS]. This is where the user is in the application and can bookmark and email links to places inside the application.
  • Form Validation: This is the client side validation. AngularJS lets you create validation rules for the specific form without having to write JavaScript [AJS]. It can also hold information about the form, whether it has been entered in or not [W3]. It monitors the form's state and notifies the user.

Example Code

<p>Number of roses:</p>

<form name="myForm">
        <input type="number" name="myInput" ng-model="myInput" required>

<p>The input's valid state is:</p>
  • Filter: This is a part of AngularJS that can transform data. Filters in AngularJS are simply added into expressions that already exist [W3]. An example of this would be if someone entered a decimal, then the filter would change it into a currency.
  • Animations: AngularJS provides animated transitions from one piece of the screen to another. In the example below there is a colored box, and when the check box is clicked on; the colored box decreases upward and disappears. There are animation features such as showing a box, repeating, and switching, just to name a few.

Example Code

div {
        transition: all linear 0.5s;
        background-color: purple;
        height: 100px;
        width: 100%;
        position: relative;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;

.ng-hide {
  height: 0;
  width: 0;
  background-color: transparent;
  left: 200px;

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<body ng-app="ngAnimate">

<h1>Hide the Rose Order: <input type="checkbox" ng-model="myCheck"></h1>

<div ng-hide="myCheck"></div>


Before, AngularJS developers used HTML to create static documents. Now, with these AngularJS pieces and all the unnamed ones, the world of single-page JavaScript applications has been completely changed. It is so revolutionary that many popular websites, such as Walgreens, Intel, Sprint, and over 12,000 others, use AngularJS [Wiki]. While AngularJS is very popular, it is not the only coding framework out there. There are many others and they are all trying to further innovate code in order to distribute compelling experiences for users.


[W3](1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) "AngularJS Introduction." Web. 06 April 2017.
[AJS](1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) "AngularJS - Superheroic Javascript MVW Framework." Google. Web. 06 April 2017.
[AJSHist](1, 2) "AngularJS History."
[Wiki](1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) "AngularJS." Web. 10A April 2017.
[JOAJS]"The Java Origins of AngularJS: Angular vs JSF vs GWT." Disqus. Web. 11 April 2017.
[FMH](1, 2, 3) "Misko Hevery, Inventor of Angular And How Open Source Languages Are Redefining Enterprise Software." Web. 23 April 2017.